High Performance Learning
GEMS Founders School is on a very exciting journey to Outstanding using High Performance Learning as its vehicle. The High Performance Learning approach recognises that all learners have the potential to achieve the very highest results and emphasises and develops the attitudes and performance characteristics required for this to happen.
Working collaboratively with outstanding schools both here in Dubai and across the world, we have been implementing the strategies of High Performance Learning across the school since September 2019; reaching out beyond our classrooms into our wider learning community. Everyone linked to GEMS Founders School is part of this unique journey towards excellence. We continue to work to embed this strategy into the fabric of everything that we do at Founders and welcome you to join us in learning more about High Performance Learning.
Please find below more details about High Performance Learning and how you can support your child at home. At the bottom of this page you will find a links to our monthly High Performance Learning parent Newsletter where you can see what this looks like in our learning community.
High Performance Learning
HPL Documents and Newsletter
Advanced Cognitive Performance Characteristics (ACPs) Progression Chart
Values, Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs) Progression Chart
High Performance Learning at GFS
HPL VAAs Poster