Student Support

At GEMS Founders School we offer a range of provision to ensure an inclusive experience for our students with additional needs.


Grow, Flourish Succeed

As our students grow and move through key stages in the school, our provision moves with them. Support for each student may look quite different and provision is highly personalized to the needs of each student we work with.  At the Grow level, provision for our youngest students in Foundation Stage and Key Stage one focuses on early identification and development of communication skills, as well as early numeracy and literacy skills.  Key Stage 2 to 3 students benefit from small group maths and English lessons with a specialized ‘Flourish class’ teacher. These classes are linked to the year group curriculum and offer more active learning sessions and personalized lessons for the group. Here, we also offer pull out interventions based on the needs of the cohort, including functional learning, fine and gross motor skills, social skills and literacy or numeracy skills. Finally, students within our Secondary Succeed provision (Key stage 4 and 5) are offered Functional maths and English assessments, as well as BTEC , ASDAN and AQA Entry level assessments are available depending on the needs of the students and formal diagnoses. Please see the Alternative Curriculum section for more information on this. 

English Language Learners (ELL)

Each student at GFS is valued. We believe that ELL teaching must enhance personal development and prepare them for global competitiveness. We engage and challenge ELL students by strengthening their linguistic and academic skills through instruction that caters to each student’s need. We value their cultural backgrounds in order to achieve their full potential and to become successful contributors to their society.

The objective of the programme is to ensure that every student reaches academic English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Some students will be assessed on entry and there is a minimum expectation of English Proficiency on entry. This depends on which year group the child is applying for. Upon identification, students complete an English proficiency test called the WIDA Placement Test. Their academic records and assessments are reviewed and their parents are notified of eligibility and services available to them. ELL and class teachers collaborate on teaching, grading, assessing student progress and providing accommodations for student success. A differentiated curriculum and ELL strategies, which are outlined in the student’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be provided, including their assessment information.

ELL Levels of support: 

Tier 1: For those who have low needs of ELL support – in class support
Tier 2: For those who have medium needs of ELL support – will receive pull out sessions in line with the curriculum.
Tier 3: For those who have high needs of ELL support – the students will be pulled out of class and an alternative programme follows to improve their English, including phonics.
Tier 4: Non-English speaker - Intense English learning programme.


Small Steps


“ To see every child being facilitated and integrated into a mainstream school”


“Making our society least challenging and more acceptable for Autistic children”


Small Steps is an ABA Inclusion Centre working in collaboration with GEMS Founders school. We provide support to children of Determination within mainstream school settings. We are and independent unit designed to provide Early Intervention Programmes and support to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Delays. While children receive intensive ABA therapies throughout the day, children are gradually included into mainstream classes or flourish classes. Here, they continue to receive ABA therapy which is slowly faded away as they progress. 

Visit Small Steps.


Staff Information: 

  • Highly trained therapists
  • Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) Supervisors 
  • 2 Supervisors who are in-term supported by BCBA
  • All our therapists are RBT
  • All out therapists have attended professional development workshots
  • All our staff are first-aid certifies and can provide help in an emergency


  • To provide scaffolding for students to become more independent.
  • To support our students in academia by including them in lessons e.g. maths, phonics, music, sports. 
  • Familiarising students with the school environment and group work with peers. 
  • Gradually including students in mainstream classes. 
  • Avail opportunities which come with the school and support them to participate to the best of their ability e.g. international day, sports days, concerts, field trips. 

Main Services:

  • Full time school based ABA therapies (school hours)
  • Part time school based ABA therapies (pull out sessions, 2 hours sessions daily)
  • Part time home based ABA therapy (2 hours per day/ 5 days a week) 
  • 20 extra days of ABA therapy during off terms. 


Alternative Curriculum

As a part of the Succeed provision at GEMS Founders School, a range of alternative pathways and curriculums are available to our secondary students.




 Please see the current list of vocational courses currently on offer below. 

For further information on the vocational courses, BTEC and ASDAN courses available, please contact Angela Walters-Harris, our Head of Vocational Learning, at [email protected].

Please see the links below for further information on alternative pathways and curriculums available this academic year: 


Speech and Language Therapy through GEMS Link Services

This year we are delighted to be able to offer the Speech and Language Therapy at GEMS Founders School, in line with GEMS Link Services. The team within the Link services, work collaboratively with your child’s team of educators and you as parents to ensure personalized, meaningful and sought-after interventions are developed to support in the holistic development of your child.

What is Speech and Language Therapy?

Speech and Language Therapy – supports children and adolescents with their speech, language and communication needs using holistic assessment, observation and evidence based individualised intervention programs. Programmes may have focused areas on speech sounds, fluency, oral motor skill development, Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) and social communication. Our Speech and Language Therapists are DHA certified and  all therapies are cost neutral and occur on school premises to assist your child in an environment they feel supported within. This eliminates unnecessary travel time after school to additional services and provides you, as a family, more time to spend together. By providing the services within our schools it further offers the opportunity for your child’s teachers to develop the solid understanding and skills on how to continue to support your child in their journey of development.

For more information on package pricing, please see the link for the GEMS LINK SALT BROCHURE (coming). 

If you would like to register your interest for Speech and Language Therapy sessions for your child, please scan the QR code and complete the online form.  



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