Early years FOUNDATION STAGE Curriculum at GFS

Early Years Foundation Stage

We are incredibly proud to welcome you to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) here at GEMS Founders School. The EYFS is a critical point in your children’s learning and development whereby they take their first steps into their educational journey. The EYFS team have worked tirelessly to create an exciting, stimulating, challenging and purposeful learning environment for your children in order to support them to flourish into independent, confident and self-regulating individuals.

Kate Read

Assistant Headteacher Foundation Stage

Hello my name is Kate Read.


Explore the Early Years Foundation Stage Program

(Age: 3 ,4 and 5 years old)
(FS1 and FS2)

  • Pedagogy

    Here at GEMS Founders School, we recognise that young children learn best when they are active. We understand that active learning involves other people, objects, ideas and events that engage and involve children for sustained periods. Therefore, we believe that early years’ education should be as practical as possible and our setting has an ethos of learning through play.  Play is an essential part of the learning process, supporting children in all areas of development. Practitioners provide both structured and unstructured play opportunities inside and outside of the classroom. These activities aim to engage children in practical, first-hand experiences designed to encourage children to discover, explore, investigate and develop their personal interests as well as areas of curiosity in order to help to make sense of the world around them. A day in EYFS at GEMS Founders School will see children experience a balance of adult-led sessions and time where they can safely consolidate their ideas in activities and exploration they have initiated themselves.

    Teachers support children with their learning through observing, developing their play, supporting their thinking and asking open-ended questions. These interactions form the basis of our observational assessment of children against developmental milestones.

    Across the EYFS, we provide opportunities for children to develop their early literacy and number skills. Towards the Our teachers introduce discrete phonics teaching through the Oxford Reading Tree scheme, Floppy’s Phonics.  Short mathematical inputs are provided using inspiration from the Power Maths scheme of work and associated Maths Mastery strategies.

    At the end of FS2, teachers will assess children’s attainment in line with the Early Learning Goals. Using observational evidence gathered over the course of the year, these assessments will help inform the children’s next teacher of their starting points. The EYFS framework allows a natural progression into the National Curriculum at the beginning of Year One.

  • Course Structure

    Early Years Foundation Stage consist of two year-groups: FS1 and FS2

    Our Early Years setting follows the curriculum as outlined in the new, updated 2021 statutory framework of the EYFS. The EYFS framework includes seven areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected. However, three of these areas, known as the prime areas, are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building children’s capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. 

    The prime areas are:

    • Communication and Language:
      Listening, Attention and Understanding / Speaking 
    • Physical Development:
      Gross Motor Skills / Fine Motor Skills
    • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 
      Self-Regulation / Managing Self / Building Relationships


    These prime areas are strengthened and applied through four specific areas:

    • Literacy
      Comprehension / Word Reading / Writing
    • Mathematics
      Number / Numerical Patterns
    • Understanding the World
      Past and Present / People, Culture and Communities / The Natural World
    • Expressive Arts and Design
      Creating with Materials / Being Imaginative and Expressive


    At GFS, staff plan high quality, engaging activities and experiences which enable children to develop into confident, independent and active learners. The three prime areas listed above remain a strong focus throughout the Early Years, particularly in FS1, and will underpin all learning that takes place.

    Staff meticulously consider and plan for the individual needs, interests and stage of development of each child in the EYFS and use this information to create a challenging, stimulating and exciting learning experience for all. Where a child may be a child of determination, staff consider whether specialist support is required, linking with relevant support across the school and beyond, where appropriate. 

    All areas of learning and development are explored through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Practitioners respond to children’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm and positive interactions. This includes using the outdoors as a classroom which we firmly believe to be an integral factor for learning. 

    Ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development processes here at GFS. Staff observe children to capture learning during long observations leading them to identify next steps and interests. These observations take the form of a photo and comments about learning and next steps, and will be shared with parents on our school app ‘See Saw’. 

    When children get to the end of their time in EYFS, staff complete the EYFS profile for each child. Children are assessed against the seventeen Early Learning Goals (ELGs), indicating whether they are:

    • Meeting expected levels of development (expected) or
    • Not yet reaching expected levels (emerging).


    The profile reflects ongoing observations throughout their time in Early Years, alongside discussions with parents. The results of the profile are then shared with parents at the end of the FS2 year.

    We understand that children learn and develop well when there is a strong partnership between teachers and parents and we look forward to strengthening these relationships over the course of the academic year.

  • Curriculum



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