KHDA Report

GEMS Founders School Dubai has been rated 'Very Good' in our 2023-2024 Inspection!


The best features of the school include:

  • We are proud of our achievement of Very Good overall rating in our 2023-24 inspection.
  • There have been 24 overall improvements across various parameters.
  • Strong leadership drives school-wide improvement, resulting in excellent teaching and positive student outcomes in all phases.
  • Dedicated leadership and teachers employ best teaching practices and assessment, fostering caring relationships.
  • Currently, 81% of judgments for FS are rated as Very Good or Outstanding.
  • We achieved significant progress in the personal and social development of students in FS and the primary phase.
  • Overall, GFS now has 69% of judgments rated as ‘Very Good’ or ‘Outstanding.
  • The entire school now boasts 69% of judgments in the Very Good or Outstanding range.
  • An Outstanding judgment for Inclusive Education is a remarkable achievement, reflecting our strong commitment to inclusivity throughout the school's provisions and implementation.
  • Progress measures for Arabic and Islamic studies in all phases have improved to a Good rating.
  • Very Good judgment has been awarded for Wellbeing and the National Agenda.
  • Across all phases, Teaching and Assessment, Curriculum, and Learning Skills have received a Very Good rating.
  • Health and Safety, including Child Protection/Safeguarding arrangements and robust systems, have been rated Outstanding across all phases.
  • Our engagement with Parents and the Community has been marked as Outstanding, reflecting our successful partnerships with parents.